Welcome To Mood Breakers

Life Coaching

How Can We Help You

Life Coaching and Personal Development

Mood Breakers personal coaching and mentoring for anyone, no matter what background, career status or situation.

Life Coaching

Guidance, Tools & Techniques

Many of us are stuck in the same cycle going round and round with no real purpose to earn a living without enjoying what we do. Waking up each day to face a job that just pays a wage and covers the bills and mortgage or rent but no real fulfillment. The weeks go by, the months go by and the years go by with little or no change…. well now you can get the guidance you need to get you to a place you really want to be, a job you have always wanted to do, your own business, total career change or something you have always wanted to achieve but just don’t know where to start or how to get there. This is where coaching can help you. With the right guidance, tools and techniques Mood Breakers can help you achieve your goals no matter what they may be.

Life Coaching

Feeling 'Stuck in a Rut'?

‘I feel like I need some help with a particular issue. My problem is with time management, making decisions, my health, my weight, dealing with difficult people or difficult situations, I would like a career change or some motivation, I lack confidence and have low self-esteem, I’ve lost my self-worth, I feel undervalued at work or in my relationship, I feel ‘stuck in a rut’, I wish I could think positively for a change, I just need some guidance and advice on this issue.’

Coaching and mentoring helps you identify your goals and create an action plan for reaching them, whilst staying true to your values. Along the way, your positive beliefs will help you and the negative ones that hold you back will be identified and discarded.

The bottom line is that, by working with an experienced life-coach, you will gain clarity about your present situation, about the life you really want, and clarity about how to get there. Your coach will advise, guide, support and help you get get there!